Bible Studies are canceled tonight due to weather. (Nov. 30)

Family Guide

Lake Country Homeschool is a bible based community with the desire for Christ minded families to have support in home based instruction.  We desire to grow with you to encourage one another to live out the Gospel in our children's lives.  

Through the vision of this ministry we have loved the opportunity to provide party days and events that surround holidays which create fun and excitement in children.  Some of the party days we incorporate are Treat Street, Disguise the Turkey, Pajama Party, Valentines Party and a specialized Easter Party.  

Our classes are centered on truth according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe as parents, we have a significant opportunity and privilege to train and equip our children according to the Word of God.  
"Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.  And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.  Deuteronomy 11: 18-19

Lake Country Homeschool is a resource to you on your homeschool journey.  We are providing tutor groups with students of the same age group.  This is not a private school.  You are responsible, and in charge of your child’s education.  You understand the WA homeschool laws and you are the parent/legal guardian for the child(ren) you enroll into Lake Country Homeschool.  

You agree to remain on campus during the time your child is in a class.  You may remain in your car, or inside our facility.  

In the event of a parent illness or emergency, you may fill out a Parent Sub Form for another Parent to hold full responsibility of your child while at Lake Country Homeschool.  In the event that this happens, please email the director ASAP.  

Please remain in the designated areas for Lake Country Homeschool.  Lake Country Preschool also operates on this campus, in addition to our office staff.  They will report any suspicious activity or any persons who are not permitted.  There will be no access to the backside of our property (including playground equipment).  Bathrooms are available in our office building.  
This will be strictly enforced to maintain safety for all ministries of Lake Country Baptist Church.

The common area, used for parents and siblings during class periods is a designated quiet zone (think library voices).  We want to allow parents and children a space to continue to homeschool.  Please use outside space for activities and games that are active.  

Please have your children whom are not in a classroom, to be respectful of the property to Lake Country Baptist Church.  There will be  no using supplies belonging to the church.  All rocks/pebbles must remain on the ground (no throwing/kicking or spreading around).

Lake Country Homeschool is a ministry to those enrolled.  We do NOT permit visitors or guests on the property of Lake Country Baptist Church without prior approval from the Director of Lake Country Homeschool.  This is to keep our families and students safe from unknown guests.

NO dogs or pets are permitted on the property (inside or outside).
Code of Conduct:
We hold a standard of “fruit of the spirit” Galations 5: 22-23.  

Students must have high regard in one another.  Speaking the truth, doing one’s own work, carrying out responsibility and respecting authority.
Be respectful to self, Lake Country Baptist Church/Homeschool, towards staff and all families/peers.
Courtesy extended in all relationships – student to student or student to teacher/staff.
Stewardship of our property, supplies, and equipment of Lake Country Baptist Church/Homeschool, as well as wise stewardship of personal items.
Preparation for class and readiness to learn.  Eager and willing to participate in classes.
Zero tolerance for any physical, emotional, or verbal threats and abuse.
Reconciliation through Biblical and appropriate repentance and forgiveness when offenses have
been committed or received.

Students are not permitted to have or use cell phones or ear buds in the classroom.  Please encourage your child to use their phone outside of class times.  

Disciplinary Process:
Disciplinary action will be taken for infractions of Lake Country Homeschool policy and rules. These may include probation, suspension, or as a final resort, expulsion.

Most disciplinary processes are dealt with the teacher, administrator/director, and parents.  Parents are the most important role in dealing with disciplinary actions.  
We are asking ONLY the scheduled facilitators be in the classroom, in addition to the teacher, during any class period.  Special permissions are available when previously discussed with the teacher.

While students are in the classroom, we will have a sectioned off area in our sanctuary for parents and siblings.  There will be a few limited toys available for them during this time.  The toys MUST remain in the toy area.  NO PERSONS are allowed to use the stage area, for any reason.  Please help us by keeping children off the stage.  
Dress Code:
 We expect students to dress in a way that is pleasing to God.  Modesty is of high regard.  
Snow Days:
Snow days will follow the Lake Stevens School District.  2 hour Delay will keep us on regular schedule.  You will also be emailed.  
Please only park in the front section of our parking lot, or along the west side.  The back section is used for a different ministry happening at the same time.   
Most communication from Lake Country Homeschool will be in the form of direct email.  Please be sure to use an updated email address when registering.  
It is vital to Lake Country Homeschool that every parent and family play a role in helping to keep this program running.  If you are absent or need to be gone for your job, it is up to you to find a replacement.  Jobs/Roles can range from a teacher/asst. teacher, set up or take down rooms, take out garbage etc. Jobs will be assigned (and you will have the ability to state a preference) prior to the first day of school.
All persons interacting with children in classrooms will have to pass a background check.  

All parents on property must wear a name lanyard (provided by Lake Country Homeschool) granting them permission to be on the property.  Since this is a ministry of the church, there may be unknown adults at any given time.  Lanyards will safely and easily identify who is affiliated with our homeschool program.
School Supplies:
Students will need to bring a backpack, pencils, paper and a notebook or folder to classes each week.  
Registration fee covers our church’s and administrative expenses.  Supply fees cover the cost of curriculum/materials required for classes.  Monthly fees are paid to the teacher/director.  Fees are based off 32 weeks of teacher instruction despite of how many weeks/month.  If you miss classes/month, standard fees are still due and expected as we still pay teachers, facilities, supplies.

Fees are due on the first Tuesday of each month.  A late fee of $25 will occur after the 15th of the month.  
Payments can be made by check (payable to Lake Country Baptist Church), cash (we will provide a receipt) or online through your registration link.
Tuition may be paid directly to your child's teacher or at the connection table.  

Tuition is a guaranteed rate.  This will not change due to traveling, vacations, illnesses, snow days or unexpected closures as we still have to pay teachers.  

There are no refunds or reimbursements.  Fees of any kind (registration fee, supply fees and class fees) are non-refundable.
No refunds or reimbursements for expected or unexpected shut downs.  

Students must be free from fevers, green discharge, cough, running nose, or ANY flu like symptoms for 24 hours before attending a class.  We understand coughs can last weeks.  Please use parental discretion and avoid bringing an actively sick child to our facility.

It is a high priority to keep the classroom clean and disinfected between age groups.  We clean tables and chairs between each class.  We will also have diffusers running to help purify the indoor air.  
In the event of a fire, students and all persons will be evacuated to the furtherest southwest portion of the property.  Students in class will be directed by the teacher/assistant teacher.  All other individuals will need to be responsible for themselves.  

In the event of a lockdown, we will lock the classroom doors as soon as we are made aware.  Both the director and the staff members for Lake Country Baptist Church will be in communication.  

In the event of an earth quake, the teachers will direct all students to climb under their desk and hold on.