Where church life happens.
Lake Country Baptist Church exists to make disciples through the power of the Gospel. We believe that community plays a significant role in this process. We believe that the life of a disciple of Christ is one of a life long process of growth. God has graciously provided for us the Body of Christ (the church) to come along side and assist us as we ever learn to walk closer with Him. Community Groups give all of us the opportunity to experience this on a personal level.
1. BUILDING Relationships
2. CARING for One Another
3. PRAYING Together
4. ENCOURAGING Next Step Discipleship
5. IDENTIFYING and Developing Our Gifts
Building Relationships
Relationships are a key to life. The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation. As God is a triune God ever in relationship, we bearing His image are called to do the same. The church is more than a place we attend but a people to whom we belong.
Caring for One Another
Throughout the New Testament we as Christians are commanded to care for one another, to bear each others burdens and support one another as we endeavor to follow Christ. Caring for one another happens in relationship, not necessarily in the corporate setting. If we are going to accomplish an important aspect of the church than we are going to need to find ourselves in personal relationship giving us that opportunity.
Encouraging Next Step Discipleship
Jesus left us with pretty clear commands to Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them observe all things that I have commanded you… At Lake Country we see ourselves as disciple makers. We carry on the command to help others become and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. There are four steps of growth that we at Lake Country encourage all Christians to take after salvation: 1. Be Baptized, 2. Participate in Community, 3. Become a Covenant Member, 4. Serve Others.
Identifying and Developing Our Gifts
The church is not a one man show. God has clearly added to the church those as He sees fit. He has given each of us differing gifts that play a significant role in the discipleship of others. The needs of the church and those within the church can not be met by the efforts of a select few but must be bore by all. With the growth of the church we desire to continue to identify and nurture the gifts of God’s people helping to equip them for the work of the ministry. Everyone is a leaders of someone and through community groups we desire to see more of God’s people serve the church by leading and caring for others.
Lake Country Baptist Church exists to make disciples through the power of the Gospel. We believe that community plays a significant role in this process. We believe that the life of a disciple of Christ is one of a life long process of growth. God has graciously provided for us the Body of Christ (the church) to come along side and assist us as we ever learn to walk closer with Him. Community Groups give all of us the opportunity to experience this on a personal level.
1. BUILDING Relationships
2. CARING for One Another
3. PRAYING Together
4. ENCOURAGING Next Step Discipleship
5. IDENTIFYING and Developing Our Gifts
Building Relationships
Relationships are a key to life. The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation. As God is a triune God ever in relationship, we bearing His image are called to do the same. The church is more than a place we attend but a people to whom we belong.
Caring for One Another
Throughout the New Testament we as Christians are commanded to care for one another, to bear each others burdens and support one another as we endeavor to follow Christ. Caring for one another happens in relationship, not necessarily in the corporate setting. If we are going to accomplish an important aspect of the church than we are going to need to find ourselves in personal relationship giving us that opportunity.
Encouraging Next Step Discipleship
Jesus left us with pretty clear commands to Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them observe all things that I have commanded you… At Lake Country we see ourselves as disciple makers. We carry on the command to help others become and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. There are four steps of growth that we at Lake Country encourage all Christians to take after salvation: 1. Be Baptized, 2. Participate in Community, 3. Become a Covenant Member, 4. Serve Others.
Identifying and Developing Our Gifts
The church is not a one man show. God has clearly added to the church those as He sees fit. He has given each of us differing gifts that play a significant role in the discipleship of others. The needs of the church and those within the church can not be met by the efforts of a select few but must be bore by all. With the growth of the church we desire to continue to identify and nurture the gifts of God’s people helping to equip them for the work of the ministry. Everyone is a leaders of someone and through community groups we desire to see more of God’s people serve the church by leading and caring for others.